Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Little Things In Life

I'm back :)

Yeah, I know it's been months since I've posted. Well, that's life, get over it.


I love the rain, just saying. Especially when it hasn't rained for months. :)

This post is about, the little things in life, the amazing things that we sometimes overlook, like rain.

Most people don't like the rain. The most annoying thing I hear is girls saying it messes up their hair. Truthfully, it doesn't matter if it ruins you hair or not, your hair doesn't matter THAT much.

I'm the kind of girl who runs out and dances in the rain. The rain is beautiful and magic, it isn't just a pain when you take a second to enjoy it.

Another beautiful thing life has to offer, is a rainbow. After the rain stops and the clouds disappear, a colorful rainbow appears. One of natures most beautiful sights.

The moon. Have you ever seen a full moon? Amazing, so bright and big. I could stare at the full moon for hours, and count the stars :)

So I think I'm sounding like a nature freak, but some people don't know what they are missing out on.

So besides nature, there are a billion other things most people overlook, little things that make life so much better.

Finding those things, is a gift. Keep your eyes open for them, don't walk by and let them pass you by.

Love the little things in life, you never know what could happen...

~Rea :)